Dr Dawn N. Albertson
Dr Dawn N. Albertson leads the Psychology department at Bath Spa University. As a Psychology undergraduate, Dawn conducted research in a psychopharmacology lab and went on to pursue a Cellular and Clinical Neurobiology PhD, studying illicit drug-induced gene expression alterations in human post-mortem brain. She is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Fellow of the Institute for the Scholarship of Assessment, Teaching, and Learning. Her interests are vast and include teaching and learning, higher education management, science communication, and widening university participation to systemically marginalized groups. She currently supervises doctoral students in the Higher Education Management DBA in the University of Bath School of Management, is Consultant Editor International for the journal Teaching of Psychology, and serves as Chair of the International Relations Committee for the American Psychological Association's Division 2: the Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
Each month, Dawn also co-authors the Kaleidoscope column with Sukhi Shergill, Derek Tracy, and Dan Joyce in The British Journal of Psychiatry (BJPsych). The column covers developments in mental health and neuroscience from around the world which you can read for free here: Kaleidoscope column
Dawn can be contacted here: https://www.bathspa.ac.uk/our-people/dawn-albertson/